High-dosage tutoring in action: A teacher providing one-on-one support to a student"

High-Dosage Tutoring: A Post-Pandemic Essential for Student Success

How High-Dosage Tutoring Transformed Education During COVID-19

By SELIN Club | 20 Jan 2025, 05:22 AM

COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a watershed moment in education globally, exposing and exacerbating inequalities in our systems. While millions of students faced unprecedented challenges ranging from lack of access to technology, lack of proper support from educators, to chaotic home environments that interrupted learning during the shift towards online learning. At this point, high-dosage tutoring became a critical intervention which was providing the individualized support that many students desperately needed. This blog will make the case for why high-dosage tutoring needs to be part of the comprehensive educational framework moving forward. These will be lessons learned from the pandemic to ensure that equal opportunities are realized in any future education system while using some parts of the education budget effectively, such as high dosage tutoring.


What is High-Dosage Tutoring?


High-dosage tutoring is a systematic approach to learning. It is intensive, frequent, and personalized instruction that occurs in one-on-one or small group settings. Usually, these sessions are carried out multiple times a week, often two to five times, over an extended period, usually several months to a full academic year. This format allows educators to focus on individual student needs, tailoring lessons to address specific gaps in knowledge and skills.

High dosage draws heavily on the educational theories in which the most pertinent of Vygotsky's work is on the basis of guided interaction as to how learning is to be created. According to him, learners move at a pace when doing tasks beyond what they can currently perform on their own but supported by a knowledgeable tutor; in other words, what this principle embodies is more or less the high dosage of providing timely feedback as well as encouragement in view of instilling necessary confidence and mastery over subjects that are to be dealt by the students.

High-dosage tutoring is also very data-driven. The needs of the students are assessed through diagnostic tests, and this will help the teachers set personalized learning goals. This structured approach not only makes the tutoring effective but also instil a sense of accountability in the students to take ownership of their learning journey.


Impact of the Pandemic on High Dosage Tutoring


The pandemic led to unprecedented shocks to education because most of the world's schools had to shut down and then go to distance learning, which was more difficult for weak groups since they were largely not provided with all requirements to be well-learned outside of the traditional classroom setting. According to studies, the pandemic took a tremendous amount of student learning due to massive failures in essential subjects like reading and mathematics; the median student failure in such disciplines was up to five to nine months behind their pre-pandemic peers.


For example, the NWEA reports show that within these groups of low-income students and students of colour, the declines were much steeper for grades 3-8, reflecting existing education disparities that grew significantly during this crisis between these student groups and their more affluent peers.

High-dosage tutoring emerged as a key solution to this crisis. Such programs operating within urban districts documented high improvement for students who took tutoring. One example coming from the Chicago-based program saw a percentile increase of up to 20 points on the maths scores of children that had received high dosage tutoring against their peers in other places. These numbers have emphasised the power of these focused interventions to reduce the blow on the impact of the pandemic on learning. Success stories have sprung from the high-dosage tutoring programs across various lines.


Research and Evidence


Despite anecdotal underpinnings, the mounting body of research has found evidence supporting the effectiveness of high-dosage tutoring. Institute of Education Sciences meta-analyses analysed numerous studies, concluding that high-dosage tutoring had resulted in students making greater gains in maths and reading compared with their peers who received typical settings. These gains were statistically significant and large enough to impact long-term trajectories of academic progress.

A meta-analysis published in Educational Psychology Review also revealed that high dosage tutoring always has a better record than traditional tutoring. Investigations that concentrate on the intensity and personalization which characterises high dosage tutoring support further how it can enhance student performance.

Other recommendations from experts to support high-dosage tutoring. Educational psychologist Angela Duckworth, who became famous for her work with grit and perseverance, noted that customised interventions like high-dosage tutoring can help overcome obstacles to learning success for students. This type of tailored support allows students to build resilience and motivation that will sustain their improvement in the long run.

With all these proofs, the education sector needs to realise that high-dosage tutoring is an evidence-based practice for improving the learning of students, considering the setbacks caused by the pandemic in learning.


Benefits Beyond Academics


Benefits of high-dosage tutoring are not limited to academic achievements. The most important advantage of high-dosage tutoring is its positive effect on SEL. In the typical classroom, students can hardly relate to their teachers, especially when the class size is too large and individual attention cannot be provided. High-dosage tutoring mitigates this problem by creating a supportive environment where students can build meaningful relationships with their tutors.

This relationship is significant in helping the students gain confidence and motivation. The tutors act as mentors; they not only provide the academic support but also offer encouragement and guidance. In fact, students who undergo high-dosage tutoring have increased self-efficacy, or the belief in their ability to perform tasks. This confidence translates into persistence when faced with challenges, which is critical for long-term success in both academic and non-academic endeavours.

Testimonials from students and parents speak to these kinds of transformative effects. A parent said that in a high-dosage tutoring program, her child improved academically, including in reading, and "just loves literature now". Another student said that individual attention helped him feel noticed and heard, making him want to participate more actively.

Furthermore, intensive tutoring develops student individualised learning experiences, each tailored to the needs of every child. This personalization would allow students to progress at their own pace since mastery of concepts is always an essential requirement before progression.

This type of focused attention is particularly helpful to learning difference students or students in need of extra help and support.


Challenges and Misconceptions


Despite all the benefits, there are several challenges and misconceptions that may make its implementation difficult. An associated problem is perceived cost in delivering high doses of tutoring. Unavoidable critics argue that funding for these programs comes from dollars syphoned off from otherwise needed and important schooling functions, which are found underfunded in a vast number of schools. A key aspect is, rather than being a cost, an investment is what tutoring actually is; studies and tests demonstrate most of the payback in benefits to student progress and reduced remedial support for the school at far later time points over expenditure.

Access also seems to be a prominent hurdle. Though effective research findings on high dosage have demonstrated their success, not every student has easy access to such resources. There often tend to be the discrepancies of rural/ low income and urban / affluence. Innovation comes as an important bridgehead across these lines as some methods involve community partners for supporting this initiative. Likewise, some use of computer systems that can carry it further in the field for higher penetration. By leveraging local resources and technology, scaling could be supported to make all learners access high-dosage tutoring regardless of situation.

Another misconception is that tutoring only benefits low-performing students. High-dosage tutoring is actually a great tool of enrichment for advanced learners to delve deeper into richer concepts and further explore them. Dispelling some more of the myths that prevail about high-dosage tutoring will better position it as an opportunity to enhance learning in virtually any education setting.


While navigating the complexities of post-pandemic education landscapes, it is of great importance that educators, policymakers, and stakeholders centre high-dosage tutoring as a core element in recovery plans; make it permanent in our systems rather than a quick fix.

Educators can be leading advocates for more funding specifically directed at the high-dosage tutoring programs because such programs have proven to advance student outcomes. Therefore, collaboration by schools, community organisations, and local governments can develop sustainable models that maximise resources while increasing access.


What Next?


Policymakers must recognize that the high dosage tutoring holds great promise for changing education and thus must be included in the agendas of legislative actions. It will be achieved through establishing frameworks that foster further growth and development of such programs to make learning environments for all students more equitable.


In addition, teachers and administrators can find innovative ways of integrating high-dosage tutoring into the curriculums. For instance, it can be reserved during school hours or in after-school programs. We can make sure that such a practice becomes routine, not something extra to be sought after.




The pandemic has given us another essential tool: high-dosage tutoring. Such a program is beneficial for not only allowing students to catch up on their lost academic grounds but also in their holistic growth as a learner. This blog shows evidence of how high-dosage tutoring has significantly contributed to education equity and student outcomes. We have to continue these programs, expanding them in a way that each student succeeds. Together, we can build a more equitable and effective education system-one that truly values and supports the diverse needs of all learners.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is high-dosage tutoring?

High-dosage tutoring is the frequent, personalized instruction of students in one-on-one or small group settings designed to address the unique needs of individual students and promote their academic growth.

What are some benefits of high-dosage tutoring for students?

It strengthens academic performance with tailored support, fosters social-emotional learning in positive relationships, and builds students' confidence and motivation toward more engaged and successful performance.

Which of the following is some evidence that high-dosage tutoring works?

Hundreds of studies reveal that students show significant academic growth in areas like math and reading when subjected to high-dosage tutoring. Meta-analyses and reviews by prominent experts also suggest that the effectiveness of high-dosage tutoring outweighs regular tutoring.

What are the hurdles for high dosage tutoring?

Some of the issues are funding, accessibility, and misinformation about benefits. However, solutions like community partnerships and technology may help break some of the barriers and improve implementation.

How can it be sustained after COVID-19?

For maintaining high-dosage tutoring programs, funding needs to be increased, initiatives need to be included in the educational policy, and there is an imperative to investigate community partnerships in order to increase availability and support to all the students.