Day 1
Venue : Novatel Ahemdabad

Mrs. Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff
CEO: Kalorex Group
Keynote Speaker & Chief GuestDr. Manjula Pooja Shroff, the visionary CEO of Kalorex Group, stands as an inspiring Edupreneur, Vlogger, Achiever, and unique Podcaster. Her journey embodies the fusion of education's essence with entrepreneurial spirit, reflected in her role as a founder and manager of premier schools. With a profound 25-year journey in education, Dr. Shroff approaches it creatively, emphasizing holistic well-being through SHROFFism, a philosophy that harmonizes Mental, Physical, and Spiritual dimensions. As the CEO & MD of Kalorex Group, her visionary leadership is driven by a passion for accessible education, marked by generosity and kindness. Her projects, Visamo Kids and Prerna - a school for dyslexics, mirror her commitment to inclusivity, catering to marginalized communities and individuals with special learning needs.